When the watch is not made of solid metal, with use, this will lose the galvanizing coating. You can recover its original state, through processes of plating, chrome plating or rodiagem.
- Tagging / chroming; the case and bracelet are polished to remove the previous film already spends. Angles are fixed in order to recover the original forms. After the parts are subjected to a chemical process plating or chrome plating by immersion in liquid metal.
- Rodiar; is intended to watches made ??of white gold with the use also lost the coating which has rhodium and giving them that special brightness. You can retrieve this state of beauty, through the same process of the previous service.
- Restoration of the box / bracelet; if any items are warped, cracked, warped or incomplete you can retrieve or reconstruct, getting as new.
- Restoration of the display; When descuramos services periodic maintenance, moisture settles inside the watch and deteriorates the display. If you do not choose to replace the display with a new one or to no longer make available the brand, there is the possibility of restoring it. Is new.